- (?), (?) (a daughter of Eistein) to Otto I The Great
- Rebekah to Bennet, Linsey
- Bennett, Playford Blake to Butler, William
- Buttel, Francis Virginia to Cornish, Mary Graham
- Cotton, Donald T. to Doolittle, Mary E.
- Dorman, Mary to Frew, Thomas
- Frey, (?) to Greig, William Ruthven
- Grey, Anschetil de to Harris, William
- Harris, Zadock to Jaynes, Abigail
- Jeffers, Bertie to Lawton, Noyes
- le Bigod, Roger , Earl of Norfolk to McCoy, William
- McCracken, Craig Jon to Nichols, Terry Thomas
- Nicholson, Lois to Quickstad, Vera Amathol
- Quisenberry, (?) to Robinson, William
- Roche, Edmund Maurice Burke 4th Baron Fermoy to Shaver, Julia Ann
- Shaver, Julia Etta to Stone, William
- Stoner, George Washington to Underwood, Corda Alice
- unknown daughter, (?) of Louis I, the Fair to Wood, Wesley
- Woodbridge, Charlotte Sophia to [unknown wife], (?)